Sam Oakton celebrates his 1st Anniversary
9th Sep 2020

This week we are celebrating Sam Oakton’s 1 year work anniversary! This morning, we sat down with our Marketing Assistant to talk about how he’s found his first year within the team.
Congratulations on your anniversary Sam, how’s the first year been for you?
This first year has been amazing! I have come so far from where I was when I first started at think3. I feel like I have learnt so much from working at think3 and I love the job that I do and the team I work with. They are a massive help to my personal and professional development.
What project have you most been proud of this past year?
I would probably have to say working on the Derby Swap Shop email campaign. Email campaigns were something that I hadn’t worked on prior. It was something that I just went into headfirst and the final product actually came out really well and it was something that I was really proud of. But I’m really proud of everything I have worked on at think3, I have learnt something new every time I have started a new project.
Favourite think3 moment?
I have so many good memories working at think3, from all the laughs that we have all had in the office to killing zombies in VR. It’s been great. Although the best memory would have to be seeing think3 grow each and every day and being a part of it.
So, tell us something we don’t yet know about you?
As Jack said in his 1-year blog, we are in a band. I am a drummer in a band with two of my colleagues, Jack and Tomek. Music is a massive part of my life and I always wanted to be in a band with the right fit but I never could find the right people to be in it with. I started to give up on looking until I joined the think3 team and met Jack and Tomek. We all clicked immediately.
I am also a massive collector of vinyl records. Ever since I got my Dad’s old record collection out of the loft when I was seventeen. I must have hundreds of different albums. I don’t know why I like collecting so much, so many people say it’s the sound that makes the record so valuable I don’t really buy into that. If I had to give you a reason I would say I do it because I love supporting the band when I buy the record and I love looking at the album artwork.
How have you developed since you first started at think3?
My development at think3 has been massive. When I joined the team I didn’t have any marketing experience, but as my time has gone on with think3 I have learned more and more everyday. I feel that I have grown as a person working at think3 not just in confidence but in my mental attitude.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
I hope to keep on progressing in my marketing career. I also want to keep on developing my skills and to learn new skills to help think3 grow more and more. I also want to see think3 grow as a business and see all the things we will accomplish.
Sams comment: ” I am loving my journey so far at think3 and I can’t wait to see how far I develop in my marketing career”.
Mamie, Marketing Executive at Think3 said: “Sam has made us all so proud of his development over the past year. Seeing him flourish into the Marketing Assistant that he is today really has been an honour. Sam is beginning to find his niche at think3, and we are so thrilled to have helped him achieve this. Sam brings bundles of laughter and energy into the office and provides fantastic support to myself and the wider team. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary Sam!”