Stay home, Protect the NHS and Save lives
7th Apr 2020

A company’s brand, a powerful tool when used correctly; it can lead markets, create lasting impressions even drive emotions but most importantly of all; inspire change. So, therefore, we are asking businesses to help us by donating one small aspect of your brand to this cause, your logo. This initiative seeks to bring all brands together whether they be large or small in size to help in this significant fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic.
All we are asking is, that as a business or as an individual, supporting the StayHome campaign you make a small donation through our Just Giving page which is raising money on behalf of NHS Charities Together. Please donate anything you can using the link below.
We have seen this awful disease already tear apart businesses, livelihoods and families. But this can all be avoided by following the governments simple advice; stay at home, wash your hands and help us to protect our fantastic NHS. Therefore we are asking our fellow brands to add the #Stayhome house on their logos to show their support in this time of need. Follow the steps below to download the template and start promoting this message with us, together we can all help save lives.
Support the NHS by using the NHS StayHome Profile picture by downloading it here
If anyone needs a hand with the template, feel free to send your logo to us via, we would be happy to do this for you!
Original source:
1. Download the Illustrator template from the link below
2. Customise with your brand’s primary colour, add your logo to the house
3. Perfect you’re ready! Now your brand is also supporting #Stayhome