Brand Positioning

We provide a valuable and clear viewpoint on your current brand position and future opportunities, to set you apart from the competition.

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Determining your brand positioning.

Having an effective brand positioning allows you to stand apart from your competition. It will allow you to benefit from a favourable position in your market increasing your credibility, perception and connection with your customers.

Whether you are an existing business or a new company looking to create your brand position for the first time it’s important to reflect internally on some of the key components below when determining how you can take yourself to market.

Our team of branding experts can support you through this process whether you are entering the market for the first time or are looking to position yourself in a better place moving forward.


Reassessing Your Current Brand Positioning

Existing brands often forget to reassess their current position in the market and can be overtaken by competitors or new entrants into the marketplace. It becomes a vital review and an opportunity to reassess the current positioning of your brand in terms of the overall objectives and goals.

Consumer demand may change over time and your brand has been developed to serve its audience and customer base. Reconsider who your target customers are and create new customer personas to check if your position has changed or been diluted due to changes in your audience.

This will give you the chance to take stock of your current value proposition to drive your brand position forward.

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Considering your competitors

When considering your brand position, it is worth looking at the competitive landscape in which you operate. You need to know who you are up against in order to conduct an effective competitor analysis.

Not all of your competitors will be those you know about, use social media and customer feedback to identify other competitors that you are not aware of. Discuss internally with your sales teams any competitors’ customers have previously mentioned to build up a true reflection of your competitive landscape. Our brand experts can support you with this process when carrying out competitor research.

Analysing competitors needs to be carried out objectively, you may have already formed opinions on them, using an external agency like us we can independently consider their products and services as well as their strengths and weaknesses as well as explore the marketing strategies they are using effectively.

What makes your brand unique?

Being able to resonate with your audience is a key component to increasing your brand awareness and ensuring that your customers have you at the forefront of their minds when considering your service or products.

Working with our brand experts we will explore what makes your brand unique. Completing an in-depth review of your existing brand to identify your values, your story and your vision we can identify the features that truly make you who you are and importantly why you are unique from your competitors.

Having identified your uniqueness we can start to formulate your unique selling points (USPs) that will help create the messaging statements you need to be distinctive in your marketplace.


Your Brand Positioning Statement

Based on our review of your current position and understanding of your uniqueness we will work with you to create your brand position statement. It is a simple one or two-sentence statement that communicates your unique value to your customers in comparison to your competition.

We work to a standard framework to generate your position statement which includes what your product or brand means to your target audience, what it does for your target audience and your point of difference. Importantly your position statement will include a reason to believe, rooted in the truth about a particular product or brand. 

Our Branding Services

Brand identity design Icon

Brand identity design

Keep your identity consistent and your resources in sync.

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Brand strategy Icon

Brand strategy

We build your brand from the ground up, by distilling your who, what, how and why then translate this into a unique brand.

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Brand audits Icon

Brand audits

In our unique audit reports we identify and answer all the big questions about your brand in one place.

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Brand positioning Icon

Brand positioning

We provide a valuable and clear viewpoint on your current position and future opportunities as a brand.

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Rebranding Icon


Developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of your customers and competitors to deliver the desired results for your business.

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Brand workshops Icon

Brand workshops

In our workshops, we get to the heart of what you understand your business to be, and what your vision for the future is.

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