
Developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of your customers and competitors to deliver the desired results for your business.

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Why consider a rebrand?

Most of the time a rebrand is considered necessary when the competition is growing and as a result your brand needs to evolve at the same time to remain competitive or to re-establish your market position. You audience may have changed, and your existing brand no longer appears to them or you are considering entering a new marketing with new services and products.

Sometimes you might just believe that you current Brand Identity is no longer fit for purpose or it was creating when you first launched your business and you quickly needed a logo. The work involved in a rebrand is almost the same as creating a new brand which means getting to the bottom of why you exist and who you are there to serve.

A rebrand may include a change in your name.

Rebranding Successfully

Our brand experts will carefully work with your through your rebrand to ensure that the end result is a successful rebranding. The risk of evolving your brand incorrectly can have significant damaging consequences and be costly, done correctly it can be the best thing you have done.

When rebranding it’s important that you reconsider your purpose. The reason behind why you considered a rebrand in the first place, whether that be growth or appealing to a new audience. Identifying your reason will give the rebranding process focus and direction.

We will work with you to research and identify the changes in your market place to be able to pull out your key differentiation points to make sure they don’t become lost during the rebrand.

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Creating Your New Identity

Developing a new identity and brand can be an exciting time and one that shouldn’t be rushed to avoid a failure of your rebrand. Our approach to creating your new identity will vary depending on your needs but generally we will follow a similar process to create a new brand identity from scratch.

Our discovery phase will assess your position in the market place by carrying out detailed competitor analysis to make sure you set yourself apart from the competition as well as carrying out market research before getting creative with the design phase.

Your new visual identity and messaging will be created using personas and understanding the key features and benefits of your products or services to make sure that your rebrand achieves the right results.

Taking your rebrand Brand Public

A planned approach to launching your new brand will be important. Don’t attempt to release it is stages as this often leads to further brand deterioration and confusion for your customers. Our brand experts have launched brands and have an efficient and successful process to make your launch a success.

Beginning with an internal launch a new brand needs internal advocacy and support as some may have an emotional attachment to a previous brand, helping them understand and be involved in the process. You staff will be advocates of your new brand identify so getting them on side will be key when engaging with your customers. 

After your brand has been launched internally getting your messaging right and tailoring these to your audience. All stories should align to the overarching narrative and planned meticulously through to launch across all of your platforms. 

Rebrand versus Brand Evolution

Clients often approach us thinking that they want to go through a rebrand when in fact what they really want is a brand evolution of a refresh. The two are very different and our team will identify, based on your objectives, the most appropriate route to go down.

If you are considering refreshing your marketing materials, updating your slogan or you are considering a shift in colour palette then you are really looking at Brand Evolution. The foundations of your brand will remain the same, your values, purpose and personality might not change but instead you just want to add a ‘lick of paint’ to your business to bring it up to date.

A rebrand on the other hand means creating a whole new business personality, revisiting your Vision, Mission and Values to create a whole new Brand Identity. Many will consider a rebrand where competition has increased, or your audience has changed so much that your existing brand and marketing isn’t proving effective anymore. 

Our Branding Services

Brand identity design Icon

Brand identity design

Keep your identity consistent and your resources in sync.

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Brand strategy Icon

Brand strategy

We build your brand from the ground up, by distilling your who, what, how and why then translate this into a unique brand.

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Brand audits Icon

Brand audits

In our unique audit reports we identify and answer all the big questions about your brand in one place.

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Brand positioning Icon

Brand positioning

We provide a valuable and clear viewpoint on your current position and future opportunities as a brand.

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Rebranding Icon


Developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of your customers and competitors to deliver the desired results for your business.

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Brand workshops Icon

Brand workshops

In our workshops, we get to the heart of what you understand your business to be, and what your vision for the future is.

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Looking to rebrand…get in touch!

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